"#UP - Pathways for growing up grandly" Customised pathways in favour of pre-teenagers, teenagers and young people in distress and their families
"#UP - Pathways for growing up grandly" Customised pathways in favour of pre-teenagers, teenagers and young people in distress and their families
The Project aims to respond in a flexible and integrated manner to the needs of teenagers and young people in order to support them in facing and overcoming their distress, while also intervening to support the family in order to help parents to understand and accept their children's needs and, more generally, to accompany them in the complex phase of growth.
The project has the following specific objectives:
- enhancement of social and interpersonal skills for strengthening personal development and autonomy, self-awareness and the consolidation of emotional well-being;
- acquiring one's role in the family during the transition to adulthood;
- individual skills enhancement for the school/training pathway;
- skills enhancement, awareness acquisition and orientation for the school-to-work transition.
The beneficiaries of the Project are pre-teen, teenagers and young people between the ages of 11 and 25 years resident or domiciled in the Region of Lombardy and, if minors, their families who manifest one or more conditions of distress, such as:
- psychological and/or developmental distress (problematic family relationships, stressful life events, eating disorders, deviance, involvement in risk groups, risk of addiction or abuse of alcohol, drugs, gambling);
- social isolation (poor ability to adapt, presence of psychological and behavioural problems, social withdrawal, victims of bullying or cyber-bullying);
- school abandonment (school or training drop-outs);
- antisocial, delinquential, behaviour.
Following a multi-disciplinary assessment under the responsibility of ASST, a voucher is issued to a managing body for the implementation of aid pathways such as:
- individual educational or psychological interventions;
- support interventions for family members through educational and/or psychological support;
- support for the adolescent/young person in accessing the network of services for the activation of training and/or work support pathways;
- psycho, socio or educational support interventions in case of vulnerability factors.
To access the project, the beneficiary (if over 18) or their family must apply to one of the following organisations:
- Neuropsychiatry Service of your ASST;
- Social Services of the municipality of residence;
- Cooperatives, associations, voluntary bodies or charities registered in regional or national registers or similar regional or national lists;
- Public Professionals or Accredited Private Consultants;
- Religious bodies with which the state has stipulated pacts, agreements or understandings, e.g. parishes, parish associations;
- Educational Institutions through the relevant psychological counters;
- Family Centers.
The reporting entity will forward the report form together with the consent of the adult addressee, or of the minor's family, to the competent ATS.
For further information on the contribution, you can consult the Lombardy Region website or contact your “Health Protection Agency” ATS via the following telephone numbers and e-mail:
- Anna Leschiutta tel: 0372 497792 - mail: anna.leschiutta@ats-valpadana.it
- Elena Maggi tel: 0372 497684 - mail: elena.maggi@ats-valpadana.it
- Liliana Bissa tel: 0376 334560 - mail: liliana.bissa@ats-valpadana.it