Independent living projects (PRO.VI)
Independent living projects (PRO.VI)
For people with disabilities, the concept of independent living expresses the possibility of living one's life like any other person, making decisions about one's choices, considering only the limitations that people without disabilities may encounter. It is not necessarily about living a life on one's own or just the idea of simple autonomy, but mostly about the self-determination of persons with disabilities, which also affects the family of the person concerned (Guidelines for independent living projects approved by Prime Minister's Decree of 21 November 2019).
The beneficiaries:
- people usually over 18 years of age;
- whose disability is not caused by natural ageing or senility-related pathology;
- who intend to achieve their own life project without the support of the family caregiver, but with the help of a personal assistant, independently chosen and regularly employed, or that provided by a third party organisation (e.g. cooperative) or professional worker.
The independent living project is drawn up and shared between the Territorial Agency and the ASST (Local Healthcare Authority) with the active participation of the person with disabilities; it is the result of the multidimensional assessment carried out by the multi-professional team in which at least the clinical and social components must be present.
The acceptance of the disabled person within the PRO.VI must include a project that includes at least 2 macro-areas:
- personal assistant;
- independent living;
- social and relational inclusion;
- transport;
- home automation;
- system actions.
PRO.VI resources are part of the FNA resources allocated to the regions.
The envisaged funding amounts to € 100,000.00 including the co-financing share borne by the Territorial Agencies equal to 20% (€ 80,000.00 MLPS resources / € 20,000.00 Territorial Agency co-financing resources).
ATS proceeds with the disbursement of the resources to the beneficiary districts.
The amounts that can be allocated in the different macro-areas are defined by Territorial Agency.
The beneficiary area proceeds with an expression of interest/announcement/tender and the interested person applies for access to the measure.
Interested citizens may apply to their Municipality of residence/Planning Department.